Selected writing and projects I’ve loved
Recent media
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin: Regenerative Farmer, June 12th, 2022
Interview series
James Thornton: How Changing the Rules of Finance can Build a Regenerative Future, September 9th 2021
Alasdair Harris: Traditional Fishers – the Unsung Heroes of Ocean Conservation, February 10th 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin: How Our COVID Response Can Address Climate Change and so much more, February 5th 2021
Reginaldo Haslett-Maroquin: We Can Partner with Nature to Feed Everybody, October 7th, 2020
Nicole Rycroft: No One Has a Monopoly on Caring for the Planet, September 2nd 2020
Sue Riddlestone: One Planet Living – Designing the Future we Want, August 12th, 2020
Research & Reports
Note: due to the nature of my work, much of the research I’ve done isn’t in the public domain.
Te Atakura 2022 Update, Wellington City Council
I was lead author on Wellington City Council’s annual climate change report. The part that was most fun was that I also got to support the creation of the accompanying Video.
Thinking Differently - Ideas for Action on Planet & Climate, Ashoka 2021
(see image for a summary of the research)
This report was based on dozens of interviews with Ashoka Fellows working in the field of Planet & Climate, leading social entrepreneurs around the world, distilling decades of experience and spotting patterns between their diverse approaches.
Talks, programs & events
I’ve given more speeches and presentations than I could possibly list. Some highlights are:
Hosting eco-system events at the Skoll World Forum each year since 2017, bringing social entrepreneurs, academics and business leaders together in conversations.
Speaking on climate movements at the 2023 European Forum Alpbach alongside the Austrian Minister for Climate and the Environment
This interview with Mark Campanale - Carbon Tracker, from March 25th, 2021 for Ashoka’s Welcome Change series (video)
An interview on the Climate Curious podcast with Maryam Pasha, of TEDxLondon fame.
Other fun things
Founding a social impact start up means you do all sorts of unexpected things. This was one of my favourites from my time running enke: Make Your Mark - writing, animating and editing a video for a crowd-funding campaign we ran in 2014 (yes that’s my hand). Narrated by my dear friend and colleague, Kingsley Kipury.