Selected writing and projects I’ve loved


Recent media

Take a listen: this is an interview between Instinctif's Head of Sustainability, Helen Dodd and I from April this year.

Interview series

James Thornton: How Changing the Rules of Finance can Build a Regenerative Future, September 9th 2021

Alasdair Harris: Traditional Fishers – the Unsung Heroes of Ocean Conservation, February 10th 2021

Dr. Elizabeth Sawin: How Our COVID Response Can Address Climate Change and so much more, February 5th 2021

Reginaldo Haslett-Maroquin: We Can Partner with Nature to Feed Everybody, October 7th, 2020

Nicole Rycroft: No One Has a Monopoly on Caring for the Planet, September 2nd 2020

Sue Riddlestone: One Planet Living – Designing the Future we Want, August 12th, 2020

Research & Reports

Note: due to the nature of my work, much of the research I’ve done isn’t in the public domain.

Te Atakura 2022 Update, Wellington City Council

I was lead author on Wellington City Council’s annual climate change report. The part that was most fun was that I also got to support the creation of the accompanying Video.

Thinking Differently - Ideas for Action on Planet & Climate, Ashoka 2021

(see image for a summary of the research)

This report was based on dozens of interviews with Ashoka Fellows working in the field of Planet & Climate, leading social entrepreneurs around the world, distilling decades of experience and spotting patterns between their diverse approaches.

Talks, programs & events

I’ve given more speeches and presentations than I could possibly list. Some highlights are:

  • Hosting eco-system events at the Skoll World Forum each year since 2017, bringing social entrepreneurs, academics and business leaders together in conversations.

  • Speaking on climate movements at the 2023 European Forum Alpbach alongside the Austrian Minister for Climate and the Environment

  • This interview with Mark Campanale - Carbon Tracker, from March 25th, 2021 for Ashoka’s Welcome Change series (video)

  • An interview on the Climate Curious podcast with Maryam Pasha, of TEDxLondon fame.

Other fun things

Founding a social impact start up means you do all sorts of unexpected things. This was one of my favourites from my time running enke: Make Your Mark - writing, animating and editing a video for a crowd-funding campaign we ran in 2014 (yes that’s my hand). Narrated by my dear friend and colleague, Kingsley Kipury.